Time management

  • Time management is the art of making the best use of available time for the benefit of the individual or organization.
  • Time is an ongoing process.
  • It is a tool that can never be stopped, reduced or increased. Time can also be compared to life. Just as life does not come back once it has gone, so time does not come back.
  • There are also fixed time divisions for completing the work of the organization. The work of the organization was completed on time. Success and failure to work on time will be declared.
  • Time is of the essence for organization. The organization must recognize the time. Must understand The following should be done. The manager has to perform all the managerial tasks in a timely manner.
  • Time management is the act of making the most of the time and performing each activity on time.
  • Time management is a modern and important dimension of management system. Time management is the art of conducting all the activities of the organization in a proper and timely manner.
  • Time management is the task of not wasting time walking along with the schedule, understanding the importance of time and performing all the managerial and other tasks on time.
  • Time management is the skill and skill to complete the set action plan projects and goals on time.
  • Don't waste time walking along the schedule. Understanding the importance of time, using time appropriately, understanding the reality of time and performing all the other tasks including managerial in time is the task of time management.
  • Time management is the skill and skill to complete the set action plan projects and goals on time.
  • Time management is the method of performing all the activities of the organization in an effective, systematic and quality manner.
  • Time management is a skill and discipline. Without time management, the goals of the organization cannot be achieved on time. Time management is the proper coordination between time and work.

Features of time management

  • Time management is a major managerial task.
  • This is an ongoing process.
  • It is a time-consuming, multi-purpose approach.
  • This program is related to such and organization
  • It is difficult to achieve the goals of the organization without it.
  • This is an art skill sip.
  • This is an unavoidable and mandatory subject.
  • There is a definite procedure for this.
  • It is affected by various factors.
  • The importance of time management
  • Make the most of limited time
  • Achieving the set goals and objectives on time.
  • Helping to prioritize work
  • Achieving important work on time without missing it.
  • Keeping individuals and organizations in check
  • To reduce the load that falls once in a while
  • Find out the future direction of the organization in time
  • Mistakes, shortcomings, etc.
  • To enhance the reputation and prestige of the organization
  • Explain the importance of time to other bodies
  • Don't let the stress and suffering of the future come
  • To help the service recipient to provide the service on time
  • To help maintain good governance in the organization as a whole.

Ways to manage time

  • Time management is an indispensable and important subject. An organization cannot succeed without time management. There are various reasons for not managing time. The following are some of the ways in which individuals and organizations can manage their time and energy.
  • To list and prioritize tasks
  • To prepare a definite kazbhamgavi for each work
  • Ending duplication of work,
  • Sharing knowledge about the importance of time management.
  • Arranging rewards for time management
  • To arrange punishment for those who do not manage time
  • Set goals, objectives and timing of the organization
  •  Do not be stingy in delegating rights
  • To use management information system
  • To make full use of technology and other resources
  • Having good decision makers to make timely decisions
  • Make monitoring and evaluation effective,
  • To do every work according to the rules and regulations
  • Ending the habit of wasting time
  • To develop the habit of walking with time,
  • To act according to the feelings of the client
  • Of time management. S. At. To associate with
  • Using the elements of motivation
  • Modernizing the organization structure and system,
  • Adjusting the work environment, work area and work style, adopting various methods and values ​​of time management as a whole.

Prerequisite for time management

  • Full knowledge of the importance of time
  • Status of various resources
  • Creating an effective action plan
  • Determine the procedure for monitoring and evaluation
  • Trained manpower
  • Successful and conducive communication
  • A mechanism for sharing work
  • Watch for accountability and responsibility
  • Management of education system
  • Time management process
  • To determine the work list
  • Determining the importance and priority of work
  • To determine the prevailing criteria
  • Determine the actual cost of time
  • To prepare implementation action plan
  • Putting work into practice
  • To evaluate the monitoring
  • Giving support

The state of time management in the civil service of Nepal

For the successful operation and management of the overall public administration of Nepal, various policies, rules, laws and institutional arrangements as well as other programmatic arrangements have been adopted to manage the time. Office hours have been fixed. Also, time has passed. Arrangements have been made to clarify the time for judicial, administrative, developmental and other functions. Due to lack of time management and appropriate punishment The system has been adopted.

In spite of all the above mentioned conditions, the actual situation of time management is not relatively good.

  • Unable to perform tasks on time
  • Don't want to delegate rights
  • Being depressed about the importance of time
  • The tendency to waste time
  • Not being able to prioritize work in a practical way
  • Lack of scientific monitoring and evaluation system
  • Not bearing responsibility and accountability
  • There is no difference between time management and non-management.
  • Unable to balance work and time
  • Tendency to return home early to the office late.
  • Spending a lot of time in the office talking about search and appointment
  • Leadership is not a matter of time management.


Time management