1. Subject entry

Daily diary writing or diary writing has been playing a special role in the world literary, political, social and cultural environment. A typical writer, politician, social worker, employee, industrialist, philosopher, scientist, etc. can all write a diary, so its literary significance is not only visible. When a person who has been successful in any field publishes his daily notes, it seems that his historical significance has remained in the field of world literature or politics. Although writing a diary is not a very special thing, because of the social prestige, national height and international image of the writer's personality, the diary also has a special significance. Although the style of writing is the same, there is a fundamental difference in the format of diary and daily diary writing taught and taught in school. It is more informal than the planned diary prepared as a textbook as it has more influence of narrative subject and writer personality than writing art. This article provides theoretical and creative information about diary writing with the same historical value and importance.

2. Theoretical form and tradition of diary

According to Sanskrit grammar, the word 'daily', formed by adding the suffix 'ek' to the word 'din' formed from the process of formation of 'do (di) + nak', means day, day, day after day. In the same word 'Dainik', the word 'Dainiki' formed by suffixing 'Nip (E)' has a general meaning of day, while in a specific literary context it refers to a specific art, special creation or special genre formed from the notes of daily events. Looking at the construction process, the diary word formed from the process of ‘dyuti tamah do (di) + nak + ik + nip (e)’ refers to a specific poto of writing. In the literary departmental context, it refers to a work to be written by considering each day as the center of the subject or event and giving it both informative and entertaining form.

This is why it is called Diary Writing in the western world. The word diary, derived from the Latin word diarium, means daily facilities provided to workers. This means that it seems to have expanded and reached the diary. At present, this diary is associated with writing and is called diary writing. Its importance seems to be not only in the literary field but also in various fields. In the western world, diary writing was started with the intention of not publishing in the beginning. While keeping a diary of your experiences, experiences and information, you will find the fact that it has taken the form of a unique creation.

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The word diary was first used in 1605. At that time it was used for keeping records of daily accounts. Prior to 1800, it was customary to make daily notes on trade and agriculture. In addition, religious believers used to mention in their diaries the repentance from their evil deeds. John Evelyn's The Diary of John Evelyn, published in 1818, is considered to be the world's first published diary. Due to its popularity, diary publishing doubled in 1820, exactly two years after its publication, and flourished for 20 years after 1830. At the same time, writers started writing novels in the form of diaries. Samuel Richardson's 'Pamela' and Emily Bronte's 'Woodring Heights' are considered to be notable novels written in diary format. Its importance is not only in the context of diary writing but also in the context of world famous novels. Then there are the diaries of Charles Darbin, Leonardo da Vinci, Marie Curie, Winston Churchill, Marco Polo, and Anne Frank.
In this way, the diaries of political, literary, philosophical and social personalities of every country have historical significance. In India, diaries of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, etc., and in Bangladesh, works like Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's 'Prison Diary of Bangabandhu' seem to have historical significance. In Nepal, works like Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala's 'Jail Journal' and Shyam Prasad Sharma's 'Thunuwa's Diary' have been of special importance in the political and literary arena.
Critic Netra Atom says that the power of diary is the self-awareness of a person and the rapid vitality of time and place. Explaining its creative significance, he said, "A diary is considered as an official source of memoirs, autobiographies or biographies as it contains prose, compilation of daily records related to personal relationship events, works, thoughts and observations. The diary of a person who is absorbed in self-reflection can have a high level of creativity and ideological expression, while the diary writer's self-disclosure is through behavior, dialogue and attitude towards others. ” This statement highlights the creative significance of the diary on the one hand and the special significance of the diary as the original source of memoirs, autobiographies and biographies on the other. Based on this, if the diary writer is a literary personality or his creative ability is manifested in his expression, then it can be concluded that the diary has a deep connection with literature as it is also of high quality in terms of art value. Therefore, a daily diary can be called a daily diary based on unofficial daily notes, subject management based on personal events, art vision created from the intermingling of experiences and experiences and truth.

3. What does it take to be a diary?

Very little is written in the creative context of the diary. As it started with a non-publishing note, its publication has been limited, but the dailies that have been written and the number of publications that have been published seem to have become very popular in Nepali literature and politics. The diary should not be published as intended by the diary writer. In it, diaries are written for the purpose of preserving information, events and details and later giving it a creative form to write autobiography or autobiography. Some later try to translate it into autobiography or autobiography, while others die before they can do it. Informal style diaries published after the death of the creator are also very interesting or entertaining. In addition, in some cases, it is found that after the author's lifetime, someone else wrote his biography based on the same notes. At this point, these diaries become the main source of information.
Critics say that diaries written to record daily behaviors, experiences, fantasies, etc., later acquire significant literary, historical, or philosophical breadth because they capture the response to a person's psyche at a particular time. , The four basic elements such as the correlation of sense perception and imagination are specially mentioned. Writing a diary clearly about their creative interrelationships can be a unique literary work in itself. The diary writer needs to be more clear about these—

(A) Timely linearity

A diary of time and events is considered essential in a diary. Since every day from morning to evening there is a systematic record of what happened or what was done at what time, the temporal linearity is considered to be its main element. This is important for both general writers and literary creators. The general writer informally records the time and events sequentially, while the literary creator draws time and events in an artistic way and reaches the end. It has a date note at the top and the subsequent time segments are linked to each event. Therefore, temporal linearity is considered an essential element for a diary.

(B) Self-realization

Diary writing is a combination of personal events and experiences. When the Creator realizes and his note becomes responsible. Self-realization is knowing oneself. Who am I, since the self-realization of the social role, rather than the writer's personality, gives the diary historical significance? What am i writing Why am i writing And how should I write? Etc. It is considered good for a diary writer to try to find answers by focusing on such questions. That is why self-awareness is considered an important element for writing a diary.

(C) Transformation of instant experience

Since the diary is written on the same day, it has immediate special significance. The diary is strengthened by the effect it has on the creator's experience at the same time as the event. If the creator consciousness is strong in the diary writer, he intersperses the events and time and expresses it in connection with the immediate experience. It is also considered to be of high quality in terms of the daily art value of the creator who can transform the time spent into experience. Therefore, the transformation of instantaneous experience is considered an important element of a diary.

(D) Correlation of memory, sense perception and imagination

Memory is considered the main basis for a diary. The incident is not recorded at the same time. Since the things of the day are memorized in the evening, memory is considered essential for this. Things that are memorized are recorded by making them sensory or providing emotional light. It is considered good to see the partial presence of imagination in that note. Memory is based on reality, perception is related to experience, and imagination adds artistic beauty. Therefore, the correlation between memory, sense perception and imagination is viewed from the point of view of artistic value for diary writing.

(E) Effectiveness of communication (language / style / presentation)

Diary writing tends to be both formal and informal. Informal writing is just a note of time and event. Although it has an informative value, it does not have an artistic value. Formal writing is literature. All the elements mentioned in it are followed systematically. The writer of a formal diary is serious from the very beginning of writing and he keeps on arranging every event according to the schedule and providing artistic value. In this type of diary writing, the effectiveness of communication plays a special role. Since informal style but formal and effective communication gives vitality to daily writing, it also has a special place in the language style or presentation.

In addition to this, the diary writer could artistically unfold not only the different things happening at different times of the day but also the specific thoughts or experience-centered things that came out of them, if he could creatively capture the achievements seen, experienced and experienced throughout the day. And if the reader can provide more information and entertainment than expected, the diary is considered successful and beautiful. It is the writer's responsibility to make the diary interesting, entertaining and informative.

4. How is a diary written?

Diary writing is both informal and formal. Writing an informal diary does not require a plan, structure or guiding principle. Everything mentioned in a formal diary is essential. At school level, there is a definite format of diary which is given as text material and given for writing in exams. It focuses on a specific subject and describes the date and time in a subjective style from morning to evening, but diaries written by a specific personality do not have such an experimental structure. A series of notes on time, events and experiences play a special role. So if a writer wants to write a diary, the following structures and steps seem to make the creation beautiful and organized

(A) Clear mention of date and place

Diary writing happens every day so the date should be mentioned at the top of the page. Also the author may not stay at home or in the same place forever so it is considered mandatory to mention the place along with the date. It can also be used to write the date of the day at home and also the process of mentioning the place on the day of departure. Since it is written every day, the title may not be given, but if someone gives a title to commemorate a special event of a particular day, it is also considered good. Thus, it is mandatory to mention the date and place while starting the diary and the title is considered optional.

(B) Role clause

This is the gateway to the diary. It begins with a very informal personal context. It starts with the information about the daily activities of the morning, but only if there is the same type of activities every day, it is mentioned only if there is a different type of daily start to avoid recurrence.

(C) Extension section

This is the main section of the diary. The events of the day are recorded in a timely manner. If the note is informal, it is placed in point form and if it is formal, it is placed in paragraph. The style of extending it is artistic and the style of presenting the subject is analytical. This section can be written in one, two, three or more paragraphs depending on the scope of the event and the topic.

(D) Squeeze section

This section is a place to present an assessment of the events and themes of the day and to establish a writing idea. Up to this point, the author has presented every event of the day in a series of artistic ways. Therefore, in this section, the diary is properly concluded with the personal thoughts and views of the author. This part is the last section of the diary. It is usually written in the same paragraph and is more substantial than the others.
These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use. The perfect creator can write a diary at the end of a day, at the same time or in the same place. Not only that, it is just an external frame for diary writing. Every creator has his own kind of daily art that lives internally. That is the personal characteristic, ability or specific identity of the Creator.

5. Conclusion

Writing a diary or writing a diary is an informal writing. Its purpose is not to present any specific creation and to become a writer or literary man. Initially evolving from diary notes to keep a record of daily wages provided to workers, today it has acquired a distinctive departmental format. It shows a clear picture of the daily activities of a person of social, national or international importance. Also, what is the daily life of successful and distinguished personalities in their field of work, how busy they are, what kind of work they do during the day, what kind of people they meet, what their informal life is like, how much time they spend with family and relatives. Information about the overall things connected with daily life is obtained from the diary. It is also an opportunity to get to know or understand the inner things of those people about their responsibilities, what they think of the country and the people, what are their plans for the future, what is their attitude towards the world, what is their analysis of a person, society, nation and world. A person's diary has historical significance. Therefore, establishing objectivity, truthfulness, authoritative sincerity and a clear view of events or topics are the strengths of diary writing.