what is Budget?

Budget is derived from the French word. Budget is the government's annual financial statement. Which pays the financial statement for the coming year. The amount allocated by the government for the development of the country is called budget. As a result, the government has invested in agricultural business, roads, hospitals, schools, etc. To invest is to propose a budget.

Importance of Budget

It is found that the budget is very important for the development of any country. The government determines the budget for the development of the country. The appropriate amount of money to reach it has not reached the relevant place. Keeping information is also considered important. No action is possible without a budget. Budget is money. Only money can be spent on the development of the country. Bajjet works to encourage or encourage people. People are attracted by a small amount and unite in the work of the development of the country. Every year the government unites in the work of the development of the country. Development works can be done at the same time from village to city where the budget is taken every year. Development activities include education, health, food, water, electricity, hospitals, roads, canals, etc. Use the budget to develop them. Which also helps the agricultural sector.

Relationship between farm and society:

The relationship between farm and people is very close in Bjarsastra. As the raw materials are processed and found in the farm, the goods are produced in the farm keeping in mind the needs and interests of the people of the society. The relationship between the two is close to each other. Farms are needed for social development and society is needed for farm development, so there is a very close and complementary relationship between farm and society.

It is not necessary to operate the form

  • dd amount
  • Thank you
  • Dad Mosin Tools
  • Dad jammies
  • Dead traffic
  • raw materials
  • Dud thing
  • Skilled workforce
  • Dud communication
  • Notice
  • dd processing
  • Dead storage
  • Dead product
  • Dod consumption
  • Do research
  • Dud market
  • Dud Maag and Puti
  • dd scheme etc