Home Remedies to Lose Belly Fat.

There is a desire to gain weight until it becomes fat and thin skin. But when a person starts to gain weight, then the puffy belly gradually turns into a belly. In fact, as the fat accumulates, the belly begins to grow.

Fatty lambodar bhundi is a bad gift created by unhealthy lifestyle and wrong eating habits. A large belly of fat not only spoils your image but also increases the risk of various health problems.

Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the fat accumulated in the stomach and the enlarged belly. For this, harmful methods such as not eating or vomiting after eating are inappropriate. Simple home remedies to reduce bed bugs are as follows-

  • Start your daily routine with lemon juice - squeeze a lemon in warm water and keep the juice and add some salt. Drink lemon water made like this every morning. It not only reduces belly fat but also regulates digestion.
  • Give up the habit of eating more rice - eat bread and other dishes made from white wheat flour, corn husked rice, brown rice.
  • Do not eat sugary foods such as sweets, sugary drinks, and foods that are high in oil.
  • Drink plenty of water. Instead of drinking a lot of water at once and without drinking water for a long time, you should drink water regularly at intervals of some time. It balances the metabolism and helps in excreting the toxic substances in the body.
  • Eat raw garlic. Chew 2-3 cloves of raw garlic every morning and then drink lemon water.
  • Reduce the intake of meat and fatty foods.
  • Adopt a vegetarian lifestyle. Eat fruits every morning and evening. It not only reduces hunger but also supplies essential antioxidants, vitamins and salts to the body.
  • Cook vegetables with spices like ginger, garlic, pepper and cinnamon. It improves insulin resistance and balances blood sugar levels.

How to reduce obesity?

Why does obesity increase? Another question is bothering us more than this question. How to reduce obesity?

While the previous question has its solution. Of course, the simplest way to get rid of obesity is to find out the causes of obesity and manage it properly.

Why does obesity increase?

The answer lies with us. People gain weight due to improper diet, excessive rest, menstrual irregularity, thyroid, hormonal imbalance etc.

Is obesity itself a disease?

Obesity itself is not a disease. However, it gives rise to disease. Rather than the disease, we are thinking about how to reduce obesity to keep our lives fit. After obesity, the body becomes ugly. It does not suit the clothes, nor does it look sloppy.

On the other hand, it is not easy to walk. When the body becomes fat, the agility decreases.

Disease caused by obesity

Losing fat or not getting fat or managing obesity is not just about making the body slim. It is also to avoid the risk of possible diseases. Obesity causes high blood pressure, diabetes, cholestasis and other heart related diseases. It affects breathing. It is said that it also brings infertility.

Statistics of South Asia

Obesity is a big challenge nowadays. Today's lifestyle is promoting obesity. Obesity is a headache for Nepalese society.

However, this is a headache not only in the Nepalese environment, but for the whole world. According to a recent report published by Global Nutrition, last year in South Asia only about 24 percent of women were obese. 22 percent of women in Nepal are obese.

According to the World Health Organization, about one billion and 90 million people in the world are victims of obesity. The number of children is also the same.


What should we do now?

Why obesity? If you try to find a solution to this problem, you will get rid of it.

Obesity is mainly caused by our bad lifestyle. On the one hand, exercise routine, on the other hand, unhealthy eating habits. The consumption of fast food, greasy, spicy food has increased excessively. Accordingly, physical activity is decreasing.

We also work for a living. You choose mobile or video games instead of playing on the field. On the other hand, the culture of eating in the name of feasts, parties, family get-togethers, festivals etc. is increasing. This is why we are getting fat. Say, we are getting stuck with obesity. Doctors have been saying that the main reason for this is the tendency to live to eat. Don't eat to live, live to eat.

Doctors say that the problem of obesity is increasing among women in South Asian countries, including Nepal, due to changing lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits.

To get rid of obesity, you have to change your lifestyle. The habit of sitting sedentary or not doing physical activity should be avoided. The body should be active. Accordingly, healthy and balanced food should be consumed. Along with that, exercise should be considered as an integral part of life.

Here are some general tips.

- Let's avoid oily, fried, spicy food. Let's eat healthy food as much as possible. Do not eat restaurant food, fast food, junk food.

- Avoid habits like eating too much at once, sleeping after eating. Let's eat little food but more often.

- There should be more salad in food. Let's eat fresh fruits. Consuming fruits and salad is effective in controlling obesity.

- Let's try to walk more. Exercise plays a major role in reducing obesity. Regular exercise keeps the body fit and slim.

- Breakfast meets our nutritional needs for the day. So let's make breakfast more nutritious.

- Walnuts should be eaten sparingly. It provides good amount of omega 3 fatty acids, keeps memory sharp and keeps young.

- Yogurt also helps a lot to keep slime. Yogurt contains probiotics, which are good bacteria. It increases the immunity of the body. If you consume a bowl of curd daily, your body will also get energy.

- Eating foods rich in iron such as apples and radishes gives strength to the body. Also, if you sit in the sun for some time and eat almonds, you will feel refreshed.

18 ways to reduce belly fat.

Being overweight or obese is an indicator of an unhealthy body. Obesity itself is not a disease, but when obesity starts, many diseases start building a home in the body. Abnormal obesity or excess fat in the body is considered by medical science as a major cause of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, stomach problems, and hormonal problems.

The first and most fat-bearing area in our body is the pubic area. Once fat is stored in the abdomen, it is very difficult to lose it. A number of harmful elements are released from the growing beetles. These harmful elements are the cause of type-2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and many other diseases. Once you get rid of dandruff, it can be difficult to get rid of it, but following natural remedies can help you get rid of weight.


Solution 1

Food rich in fiber: The fiber found in the food we eat does not provide any nutrition, but eating foods rich in fiber has many benefits. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and bulks up food. After eating food, it satisfies the hunger quickly and also slows down the digestion process of the food. It also reduces calorie absorption. The study summarizes the research: An additional 10 grams of soluble fiber reduces the incidence of constipation by 3.7 percent.

The main sources of soluble fiber are sama, kaguni rice, Chinese rice, millet, sorghum, millet, flax, avocado, black berries, lentils and green leafy vegetables.


Solution 2

Don't eat foods with trans fats: Hydrogenated fats made by pumping hydrogen atoms into unsaturated fats are called trans fats. Natural oils are also converted to trans-fats when heated too much. Bottled, packaged, and junk foods are packed with trans fats. Trans fat is a compound associated with heart disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis, gout, obesity, metabolic syndrome, gastritis, dyslipidemia, dementia, etc. Therefore, those who want to lose weight should avoid trans fat.


Solution 3

Don't drink alcohol: Some health researches have proved the fact that there is a correlation between alcohol consumption and acne. Various researches have proved the fact that the more the amount of alcohol, the more the rash increases. Therefore, anyone who wants to lose weight should not do it by drinking alcohol.


Solution 4

Let's do fasting: There are many types of fasting but 1 day a week fasting is the best for reducing dandruff. Fasting twice a year for 5 to 7 days by going to a naturopathic center under the supervision of a doctor will reduce the body weight as well as the body weight.


Solution 5

Let's drink herbal decoctions: Regular consumption of herbal decoctions like Gurjo decoction, Tulsi decoction, Vijaysal decoction, Arjun decoction, green tea helps in reducing dandruff. These seeds contain an antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate. This compound helps in weight loss by increasing the metabolism.


Solution 6

Eat foods rich in probiotics: The body's intestines are rich in bacteria. The growth of these bacteria benefits the body. Probiotics are foods that contain the same bacteria as the bacteria in the body. Research has shown that eating foods containing probiotics improves digestion and reduces weight.


Solution 7

Do not eat preserved foods: Foods that can be preserved for a long time are called preserved foods. Many types of chemicals including sugar, salt and oil are added to preserve food, so these foods increase weight.


Solution 8

Use of Apple Cider Vinegar: Some human and animal studies have confirmed the fact that obese people who consume 15 ml of apple cider vinegar for 12 weeks lose weight and reduce their waist up to 1 inch. The use of apple cider vinegar helps to reduce sugar, reduce belly fat. Healthy people can use 15 to 30 ml of apple cider vinegar, but when using it, it must be diluted with enough water or it can loosen the tooth enamel.


Solution 9

Let's eat high-protein foods: Eating high-protein foods releases satiety hormones, makes you feel full even after a small meal, and helps you eat less. Again, high protein food helps to reduce dandruff as it also affects the metabolism, but since protein obtained from animals is not healthy, let's use protein obtained from plants.


Solution 10

Let's manage stress: in a stressful situation, the adrenal gland becomes more active and produces a lot of cortisol hormone, and when the blood level of cortisol increases, it causes a lot of hunger. Therefore, those who want to reduce dandruff have to manage stress. Yoga and meditation are important stress management tools.


Solution 11

Don't take any sugary drinks: Processed sugary foods such as: tea, coffee, bottled juices from the market, drinks and sweets like Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola increase the activity of dandruff as they add extra calories.


Solution 12

Use of homemade ghee: Those who want to lose weight should avoid the use of external bazaria oil and use homemade ghee. Mustard, sunflower and almond oils are better than other oils. The medium chain fatty acids present in these oils

Reduces fat storage activity. Industrially processed oil contains trans-unsaturated fatty acids, which lead to obesity and weight gain.


Solution 13

Let's do cardio exercise: Cardio exercise that increases the speed of breathing helps a lot in reducing obesity. Cardio exercises burn extra calories and help you lose weight quickly.

Solution 14

Let's get enough sleep: Deep sleep is an indispensable requirement for a healthy body and mind. People who sleep less than 5 hours a day have been found to develop acne faster than others, and those suffering from snoring have also been found to have larger acne than others. People who want to lose weight need to get deep sleep. Therefore, if you have any sleep related problem, let's start managing it immediately and reduce the problem.


Solution 15

Let's eat vegetables and fruits: To break the process of fat accumulation, we need to cleanse our body once. Vegetables and fruits should be eaten a lot to purify the body. Eating only vegetables and fruits can reduce stomach up to 10 kg in a month. When you eat vegetables and fruits, the body's function starts to work in the direction of fat reduction.


Solution 16

Let's do abdominal exercises: One of the main causes of acne is not doing any exercise that affects the acne. People who want to lose belly fat should do abdominal exercises like crunches, twist crunches, side crunches, reverse crunches, vertical leg crunches, cycling, leg twists, rolling plank exercises, Udyan Bandh, Agnisar Kriya.


Solution 17

Don't consume high fructose corn syrup: Corn syrup made from processed corn is called high fructose corn syrup. This gum is very tasty and is added to most junk food. This compound is also the cause of many metabolic diseases associated with problems ranging from liver fat to obesity and weight gain.


Solution 18

Let's reduce the consumption of carbohydrates: When consuming too many carbohydrates, excess carbohydrates are converted into fat and become fat. Therefore, those who want to lose weight should reduce the consumption of excess carbohydrates.