Location, Latitude, Longitude, International Date Line, Time and Distance.

Location • Any fixed place on the earth's surface is called location. Geographical location is divided into two parts, regional and global. Location determined on the basis of distance, time, communication, population, industry, trade etc. is called territorial location.

Latitude • An imaginary line parallel to a circle drawn at a certain distance north or south from the center of the Earth's equator is a line of latitude. There are latitudes north and south of the equator. They are on the latitude line. In latitude, seconds are equal to 1 minute and 60 minutes.

• With the help of this line, one can find out the time and weather condition of any country. And the actual distance is found.

• An imaginary semicircular line drawn on the basis of angular distance east or west from the prime meridian (Greenbeach time of Great Britain) is called longitude.

• These lines are east and west in total.


• On the equator, these lines are 111 km from one degree to another degree. There will be a distance. For every 1 degree of longitude, there is a difference of 4 minutes.

• 1 degree east of the Greenwich Line is 4 minutes early and 1 degree west is 4 minutes late.

• Longitude is measured in degrees, minutes and seconds.

• Climate: As latitude increases, temperature decreases.

• Length of day and night: All days and nights are equal along the line between Earth. As the latitude increases, the length of day and night varies.


• Implications for map making and study: help with longitude to tell what is where

• For every 15 degrees of longitude, the time varies by 1 hour. That is why the country's time is determined.

• After passing the international date, the date and time change.

International Date Line.

• The 180 degree longitude line is called the International Date Line. Between the 0 degree (noon) line and 180 degrees east or west longitude, there is a 24-hour time lag.

• According to the position of the sun, the time at any place is called local time. Time is calculated based on local longitude.

The time.

• Greenwich, UK is set as the world's standard time. (On November 1, 1884)

• Based on Gourisankar Himal ( ), which is located in almost part of Nepal, the same time is run all over the country.

• The straightest line connecting two objects is called distance. 10 a.m. New York West, Greenwich Mean Time

The distance

Assuming that 10:00 AM in New York West, Nepal goes to 8:36 AM in the East.

• 75+85=159×4=636/60=10 d. 36 m.